Corporate Collaboration for Community Success

Emerge and rise corporate programs

"Everyone wants three things: I want to be accepted, I want to be included, and I want to belong."

Experience the transformative power of innovation with Emerge and Rise. Our in-person training programs are designed to ignite creativity and drive business growth.

Engage your team in dynamic hackathons and intrapreneurship initiatives, and create an environment where everyone feels valued and empowered.

Partner with us to enhance your organization's innovative capabilities while contributing to vital community development projects.

Design Thinking Training in San Antonio by Emerge and Rise

Design Thinking program

Intrapreneurship Training in San Antonio by Emerge and Rise

intrapreneurship program

Fostering Innovation Training in San Antonio by Emerge and Rise

Fostering Innovation program

Innovation Hackathons in San Antonio by Emerge and Rise

innovation hackathons

Process, Benefits, and ROI:

At Emerge and Rise™, we believe that the key to successful innovation lies in understanding your unique needs, goals, and objectives. Our approach to innovation and design thinking training starts with a thorough assessment of your organization. We engage with your team to learn about your challenges and aspirations. Using a variety of techniques, such as interactive workshops, collaborative brainstorming sessions, and hands-on activities, we ensure that all learning styles are accommodated. Whether your team learns best through visual aids, practical exercises, or group discussions, our tailored training programs are designed to foster creativity, enhance problem-solving skills, and drive meaningful change within your organization.

  • Your team will learn to come up with creative solutions.

  • Equip your team with the latest digital tools.

  • Companies report better productivity and growth after joining our programs.

Design Thinking Training

Enhance your problem-solving capabilities with Emerge and Rise’s Design Thinking Training Program. This immersive workshop takes your team through the innovative Design Thinking process, focusing on empathy, ideation, prototyping, and testing. Participants will develop a deep understanding of user needs, brainstorm creative solutions, and create practical prototypes. By fostering a human-centered approach, our training empowers your team to address complex challenges with innovative solutions.

What is Design Thinking? Design Thinking is a problem-solving approach that centers on understanding and addressing the needs of users. This method involves empathizing with users, ideating creative solutions, prototyping, and testing to develop innovative and effective solutions to complex challenges.

Program Structure - Our Design Thinking Training Program includes a series of interactive workshops and projects designed to guide participants through the Design Thinking process. The training materials are comprehensive and include:

  • Student Manual: Includes note-taking areas, evaluation forms, action plans, and a recommended reading list.

  • Handouts: Pre- and post-course assessment answer keys, additional information, and activity resources.

  • Pre-Assignment: Tasks for participants to complete before the workshop to prepare for the learning experience.

  • Quick Reference Guide: A cheat sheet of tips and facts covered in the course.

  • Outline: An overview of the course objectives and session summaries.

Learning Objectives By the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  1. Use Design Thinking to solve problems creatively.

  2. Understand problems from the user's perspective.

  3. Apply different brainstorming techniques to identify innovative ideas.

  4. Use effective design research methods.

  5. Create and test prototypes of their ideas.

  6. Implement design ideas based on user feedback.

Program Benefits

  • User-Centered Solutions: Participants will learn to understand and address the needs of their users effectively.

  • Creative Problem-Solving: Develop innovative solutions through structured brainstorming and ideation techniques.

  • Practical Prototypes: Learn to create and test prototypes to refine ideas and solutions.

  • Empathy and Collaboration: Foster a culture of empathy and collaboration within your team.

  • Enhanced Innovation: Drive meaningful innovation by applying Design Thinking principles to complex challenges.

How to Offer This Program

  1. To Your Employees: Present the program as a way to enhance their problem-solving skills and creativity. Highlight how these skills can be applied to improve their work and the overall success of the company.

  2. To Decision Makers: Explain how the program can drive innovation and improve user satisfaction. Emphasize the structured approach to solving complex problems and the comprehensive training materials provided.

Partnership with Emerge and Rise Collaborate with us to implement this program in your organization. Our expert trainers will guide your employees through the Design Thinking process, ensuring they are equipped with the skills and knowledge to drive innovation and solve problems effectively within your company.

Intrapreneurship training

Elevate your organization's strategic capabilities with our Intrapreneurship Program. Designed to harness the entrepreneurial spirit within your workforce, this program encourages employees to act as innovators within your corporate framework. Through targeted projects and interactive workshops, participants will develop and refine innovative ideas into strategic business solutions. Foster a culture of proactive thinking and strategic innovation, driving your company's growth and success.

What is Intrapreneurship? Intrapreneurship involves employees acting like entrepreneurs within an organization. This means taking initiative, being innovative, and driving new ideas and projects while still working within the company's existing framework. The goal is to foster innovation and strategic thinking within your team.

Program Structure - Our training includes various interactive workshops and projects designed to help employees develop and refine their innovative ideas into practical business solutions. The training materials are comprehensive and include:

  • Student Manual: Includes note-taking areas, evaluation forms, action plans, and a recommended reading list.

  • Handouts: Pre- and post-class answer keys, additional information, and activity resources.

  • Pre-Assignment: Tasks for participants to complete before the workshop to prepare for the learning experience.

  • Quick Reference Guide: A cheat sheet of tips and facts covered in the course.

  • Outline: An overview of the course objectives and session summaries.

Learning Objectives By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand the importance of intrapreneurship in today’s economy.

  2. Identify the characteristics of an intrapreneur and assess their own strengths.

  3. Create an intrapreneurial team within their organization.

  4. Develop a new product/service or process idea.

  5. Understand the process of intrapreneurship.

  6. Create, develop, and implement a sales strategy for your idea.

Program Benefits

  • Encourages Innovation: Employees will learn to think creatively and develop new ideas.

  • Strategic Thinking: Participants will refine their ideas into strategic business solutions.

  • Proactive Culture: Foster a culture of proactive thinking and strategic innovation.

  • Growth and Success: Drive your company's growth by unlocking your team’s potential.

How to Offer This Program

  1. To Your Employees: Promote the program as an opportunity for professional growth and innovation. Highlight the benefits of learning new skills and contributing to the company’s success.

  2. To Decision Makers: Explain how the program aligns with strategic goals and can drive company growth by fostering a culture of innovation. Emphasize the comprehensive training materials and structured learning outcomes.

Partnership with Emerge and Rise Collaborate with us to implement this program in your organization. Our expert trainers will guide your employees through the process of intrapreneurship, ensuring they are equipped with the skills and knowledge to drive innovation and strategic success within your company.

fostering innovation training

Ignite your organization's creative potential with our Fostering Innovation Program. This program is designed to create an environment where ideas can flourish and innovative thinking becomes second nature. Through comprehensive workshops and interactive sessions, participants will learn to cultivate a culture of creativity, collaboration, and experimentation. The program focuses on developing innovative solutions, implementing effective processes, and fostering a mindset that embraces change and continuous improvement.

What is Fostering Innovation? Fostering Innovation means creating an environment where new ideas can flourish and innovative thinking becomes a natural part of the organizational culture. It involves nurturing creativity, encouraging experimentation, and embracing change to continuously improve and develop effective solutions.

Program Structure - Our Fostering Innovation Training Program includes a series of comprehensive workshops and interactive sessions designed to help participants develop a mindset that embraces innovation. The training materials are extensive and include:

  • Student Manual: Includes note-taking areas, evaluation forms, action plans, and a recommended reading list.

  • Handouts: Pre- and post-class answer keys, additional information, and activity resources.

  • Pre-Assignment: Tasks for participants to complete before the workshop to prepare for the learning experience.

  • Quick Reference Guide: A cheat sheet of tips and facts covered in the course.

  • Outline: An overview of the course objectives and session summaries.

Learning Objectives By the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand what fostering innovation means.

  2. Identify the characteristics of an innovative workplace.

  3. Learn how to create an innovative environment.

  4. Recognize the role of leadership in fostering innovation.

  5. Implement systems and processes that support innovation.

  6. Embrace failure as a part of the innovation process.

  7. Understand the impact of fostering innovation on teams and overall success.

Program Benefits

  • Cultivate Creativity: Encourage employees to think creatively and develop new ideas.

  • Enhance Collaboration: Foster a collaborative environment where ideas can be shared and developed collectively.

  • Implement Effective Processes: Learn to implement processes that support continuous improvement and innovation.

  • Embrace Change: Develop a mindset that embraces change and views challenges as opportunities for growth.

  • Drive Success: Foster a culture of innovation that drives the organization towards greater success and relevance.

How to Offer This Program

  1. To Your Employees: Present the program as an opportunity to develop their creative potential and contribute to the organization’s success. Highlight the benefits of learning new skills and being part of a culture that values innovation.

  2. To Decision Makers: Explain how the program aligns with strategic goals and can drive the organization’s growth by fostering a culture of innovation. Emphasize the structured approach to developing creative solutions and the comprehensive training materials provided.

Partnership with Emerge and Rise Collaborate with us to implement this program in your organization. Our expert trainers will guide your employees through the process of fostering innovation, ensuring they are equipped with the skills and knowledge to create an environment where innovative thinking thrives and contributes to the organization’s continuous improvement and success.

Corporate hack-a-thon program

Revitalize your corporate strategy with Emerge and Rise’s Innovation Hack-a-thon Program. A hack-a-thon is a high-energy event where teams engage in intensive, time-bound challenges to solve problems creatively and innovatively. Here’s what decision-makers need to know about our program:

What is a Hackathon? A hackathon is a collaborative event that brings together diverse teams to work on specific challenges within a set timeframe. The goal is to brainstorm, prototype, and present innovative solutions to real-world problems.

Program Structure:

  • Kickoff: The day begins with an introduction to the challenges, objectives, and rules.

  • Team Formation: Participants form diverse teams, bringing together a variety of skills and perspectives.

  • Ideation Session: Teams brainstorm and develop initial ideas for their assigned challenges.

  • Prototyping: Teams create prototypes of their solutions using available tools and resources.

  • Mentoring: Throughout the day, expert mentors provide guidance, feedback, and support.

  • Presentation: Teams present their solutions to a panel of judges, explaining their approach and the potential impact of their ideas.

  • Evaluation and Awards: Judges evaluate the solutions based on criteria such as innovation, feasibility, and alignment with strategic goals. Awards are given to the top teams.

What Participants Will Do:

  • Collaborate intensively with team members to tackle specific challenges.

  • Brainstorm and prototype innovative solutions.

  • Receive feedback and guidance from expert mentors.

  • Present their solutions to a panel of judges.

What Participants Will Walk Away With:

  • Innovative Solutions: Practical and innovative solutions to real-world challenges that can be implemented within the organization.

  • Enhanced Skills: Improved problem-solving, teamwork, and creative thinking skills.

  • Increased Engagement: A sense of accomplishment and increased motivation to drive innovation within the company.

  • Networking: Stronger connections with colleagues across different departments.

Join us to energize your workforce, foster a culture of innovation, and accelerate your organization’s growth with our Corporate Hackathon Program.

Understanding Emerge and Rise's Innovation Programs

Choosing the Right Program

When deciding which program to choose, consider your organization’s specific needs and goals:

  • Design Thinking is best for organizations focused on user-centered innovation and developing empathetic solutions.

  • Intrapreneurship is ideal for those looking to harness the entrepreneurial spirit within their teams to drive strategic initiatives.

  • Fostering Innovation suits companies aiming to create a sustainable, innovation-friendly culture across all levels.

  • Hackathons are perfect for addressing specific, immediate challenges with rapid, collaborative problem-solving.

Do You Need All Three Programs?

Whether your organization needs all three programs or just one at a time depends on your current innovation maturity and strategic objectives:

  • Starting Point: If you are just beginning to focus on innovation, you might start with the Fostering Innovation program to build a supportive culture and mindset.

  • User-Centered Solutions: Move on to Design Thinking to develop skills in creating user-focused products and services.

  • Strategic Innovation: Incorporate the Intrapreneurship program to encourage employees to drive strategic initiatives from within.

  • Rapid Solutions: Use Hackathons as needed to tackle specific challenges quickly and inject fresh ideas into your projects.

By strategically choosing and implementing these programs, your organization can develop a comprehensive approach to fostering innovation, driving growth, and maintaining a competitive edge.

Audience for the Training Programs

Our training programs are designed for organizations looking to empower their employees with the skills and mindset needed to drive innovation and strategic growth. Ideal for teams of 10+ up to 100, managers, and leaders, these programs are tailored for those who want to enhance their problem-solving abilities, foster a culture of creativity, and implement effective processes within their workplace. Whether you aim to develop intrapreneurial skills, embrace design thinking, or cultivate an innovative environment, our programs are suitable for companies of all sizes and industries committed to continuous improvement and success.

The Need for Innovation in San Antonio

San Antonio's rapid population growth, increasing demand for better productivity, and advancements in technology have created an urgent need for innovative programs that enhance community development and digital literacy. As the city evolves, organizations must adapt to stay competitive and meet the ever-changing needs of their customers and employees.

At Emerge and Rise, our corporate programs are designed to foster innovation and digital literacy, providing a structured approach to adapting to these changes. Our initiatives empower organizations to leverage new technologies, enhance productivity, and build a culture of continuous learning and entrepreneurship. By investing in employee development and embracing innovative practices, companies can drive community growth, improve efficiency, and position themselves for long-term success in San Antonio's dynamic and fast-paced business environment.

Through our tailored programs, we aim to equip businesses with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive amidst the technological advancements and evolving demands of our vibrant community. Partner with Emerge and Rise to harness the power of innovation and contribute to San Antonio's inclusive economic growth.


  • Participants can expect a comprehensive, interactive learning experience designed to enhance their innovation, problem-solving, and entrepreneurial skills. Each program includes hands-on workshops, collaborative projects, and practical applications of the concepts learned.

  • Our training sessions are conducted in a dynamic and engaging environment, either at our facility in San Antonio or on-site at your organization. We ensure a conducive setting for creativity, collaboration, and effective learning.

  • There are no specific prerequisites for our programs. They are designed to accommodate participants at various levels of experience and expertise. Whether you are a beginner or have some experience in innovation and entrepreneurship, our programs will provide valuable insights and skills.

  • The fee for each program varies depending on its duration, content, and your organization's specific requirements. We offer competitive pricing and customizable packages to fit your budget and needs. Please contact us directly for a detailed quote.

  • The duration of our programs varies:

    • Design Thinking Training typically lasts 1-2 days.

    • Intrapreneurship Program usually spans 2-3 days.

    • Fostering Innovation Program can range from 1-2 days.

    • Hackathon Programs are intensive events that last 1-2 days.

    We also offer customized timelines based on your organization's specific needs.

  • To ensure an interactive and personalized experience, we typically limit each session to 20-25 participants. However, we can accommodate larger groups upon request.

  • Participants receive comprehensive support throughout the program, including access to materials, one-on-one coaching, and follow-up resources. After the program, we offer ongoing support through our network of mentors and additional training opportunities.

  • We provide evaluation tools and metrics to help you measure the program's impact. These include pre- and post-program assessments, feedback surveys, and performance metrics to track progress and outcomes.

  • Absolutely! We offer customized programs tailored to address the unique innovation challenges and goals of your organization. Our team will work closely with you to design a program that aligns with your strategic objectives.

  • To enroll in any of our programs, please contact us through our website or call our office directly. Our team will guide you through the enrollment process and answer any additional questions you may have.

  • As a nonprofit organization, we offer various discounts for early registrations, group enrollments, and other nonprofit organizations. Additionally, we have scholarship opportunities for underserved communities and small businesses. Please contact us for more details on eligibility and application processes.

  • Our programs are designed to benefit organizations of all sizes, from small businesses to large corporations. We tailor our approach to fit the unique needs and resources of each company, ensuring maximum impact and relevance.

  • We aim to be self-sufficient as a nonprofit, enabling us to give back to our community more effectively. By offering these corporate programs, we generate the necessary funds to support our initiatives and further our mission of fostering inclusive economic growth and empowering small businesses in San Antonio. Your participation helps us create a positive impact on the community while providing your organization with valuable tools and insights for innovation and growth.

Empower Dreams: Join Us in Building Business Futures

Every donation fuels the journey of aspiring entrepreneurs in our community. Your support enables Emerge and Rise to provide essential resources, mentorship, and training to those who need it most. Together, we can transform potential into success. Invest in a brighter future today—every contribution makes a difference!

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